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Don’t Sleep on Hail Storm Roof Damage

Hail storm damage to a roof can be as miniscule as a few dents in the shingles, or as severe as a new skylight that you didn’t ask for. But even miniscule damage needs to be tended to as soon as possible. In fact, it is usually the little shingle dents that cause the most problems, because minor hail damage is much more common than punctures in the roof. At Heartland Roofing & Construction, we have seen all kinds of hail storm damage. But more importantly, we have been able to fix it. We are one of the most experienced roofing contractors in New Braunfels & Leander, TX, so we will be able to properly assess the damage and create a roof repair plan that perfectly fits your need and your budget. We offer a full array of roof storm damage services, including inspections, repairs, and complete replacements. Learn what to check for after a hail storm in the following post, or simply call usfor an affordable roof inspection!

Three Things to Do After a Hail Storm

Your roof is something you never want to leave to chance. Even after a minor hail storm, you are going to want to do three very important things.

  1. Look for Visible Signs of Hail Damage – Look for signs of roof damage only after the storm has completely passed. Stay on ground level. You can check for asphalt shingle granules that have fallen to the ground. This is a sign that your shingles have sustained considerable damage. You can also check to see if there are any dents on your gutters.
  2. Get a Professional Hail Damage Inspection – Even if you suspect only minor damage to your roof, or even if you don’t detect any signs of damage yourself, it’s best to get a professional opinion. Hail damage isn’t always apparent, and it will take the trained eye of an experienced roofing inspector to give you real peace of mind.
  3. Familiarize Yourself With Your Policy – Take a look at your insurance policy. Many insurance companies will provide some coverage for hail damage – especially here in Texas where hail is common and destructive.

Hail Storm Damaged Roof Replacement Services in San Antonio, Texas.

When Is Roof Replacement Necessary?

How much hail damage is enough to warrant a roof replacement? Every insurance company will have different guidelines, but in general, you could be eligible for a roof replacement if there are 7-10 impact dents visible in a 10’ x 10’ test span of your roof. The adjuster may recommend simpler repairs if they see that there are 1-3 impact marks on both sides of your roof. It’s important to remember that adjusters and policies will account for different things, like the age of your roof and the material it’s made of.

Speedy and Reliable Hail Damage Repair

 We know you need hail damage repaired as soon as possible. Rely on us for fast and professional hail damage repair in New Braunfels & Leander, TX. Get the help you need now!